⚙️ PWM Signal Generator Module ? کاربرد: ماژول تولید سیگنال PWM ? مشخصات: ✅ Operating Voltage: 5-30V,support micro USB 5.0V power supply ✅ Frequency Range: 1Hz~150KHz ✅ Frequency Precision: 2% ✅ Signal Load Capacity: output current is within 8-30mA ✅ Output Range: default 5V V-pp (can be changed by external power) ✅ Ambient Temperature: -30 Celsius ~70 Celsius ✅ Serial Port Control: 9600 bps #PWM Serial Port Control: Communication Standard:9600 bps Data Bit:8 Stop Bit:1 Verify Bit:none Flow Control:none Setting PWM Frequency: 1.”S1FXXXT”: set PWM1 frequency as XXX HZ (001~999) 2.”S1FXX.XT”: set PWM1 frequency as XX.X KHZ (00.1~99.9) 3.”S1F:X.X.X.T”: set PWM1 frequency as XXX KHZ (0.0.1.~1.5.0.) 4.”S1″: PWM1 5.”S2″: PWM2 6.”F”: frequency 7.”D”: duty cycle 8.”T”: stop sign bit Setting PWM Duty Cycle: 1.”S1DXXXT”: set PWM1 duty cycle as XXX;(001~100) 2.”S2DXXXT”: set PWM2 duty cycle as XXX;(001~100) Setting successfully back: DOWN Setting unsuccessfully back: FALL Parameter Setting: Module has 3-channel key: Set, Up, Down 1.By short press SET key, can shift display 4 parameter values (FR1 :PWM1 frequency; dU1: PWM1 duty cycle; FR2: PWM2 frequency; dU2: PWM2 duty cycle); before shifting, there will be corresponding parameter name flashing.
Directly press UP, DOWN key to modify current parameter value 3.
2-chhannel PWM are set 3 kinds frequency value, in frequency display interface, by long press SET to shift, 3 kinds frequency’s duty cycle are the same (XXX:1Hz~999Hz; XX.X:0.1Khz~99.9Khz;X.X.X.:1Khz~150Khz) ? با ما همراه باشید در کانال تلگرام @Electronic3m ☎️ 051-37 13 4063